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Professor, Department of Medicine Hematology and Associate Director, Clinical Research, UNC BRC

Specialty Areas

Bleeding and clotting disorders, and Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia.

My clinical interest is in classical hematology, particularly in bleeding and clotting disorders. I have a special interest in hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT), an inherited rare bleeding disorder. I am Director of the UNC HHT Center of Excellence, a program I started in 2011. My clinical and laboratory research interests are in various hematological aspects of HHT. Collaboratively with the Pawlinski lab, we are evaluating coagulation activation in HHT and its implications using animal models and translational human studies. I am actively involved in both investigator-initiated and multicenter clinical trials in HHT and other hematological disorders, and serve as Associate Director for Clinical Research for the UNC Blood Research Center.

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Portrait of Raj Kasthuri, MD