Quality Control
QC Equipment: The QC equipment is dedicated to both academic and clinical studies. The QC equipment is necessary to evaluate the yield, purity, and levels of contaminants in the final product. This equipment communicates with the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS), where data is collected for a consolidated batch report. The radiochemistry QC suite is equipped with the following instruments:
- Radio-HPLC 1: Agilent 1260 Isocratic mode, outfitted with Lablogic rad-detector
- Radio-HPLC 2: Agilent 1260 Gradient mode, outfitted with Lablogic rad-detector
- GC: Agilent 7890A GC to determine levels of residual solvents in final product
- GC: SRI Instruments custom-made GC for analysis of 15O-H2O and 15O-O2
- LabLogic radio-TLC for radiochemical purity
- Canberra multichannel analyzer for radionuclidic identity
- Charles River Endosafe-PTS for endotoxin detection and microbial identification
- Incubators for in-house sterility testing
- Lablogic chromatography software (Laura) that communicates with PETra LIMS
- 7x Dose Calibrators for monitoring the quantity of radioactivity