Remote Educational Opportunities for Clinical Research Teams
Below are several no-cost, remote learning opportunities related to the conduct of clinical research. Many links are external to UNC; please recognize that specific policies and procedures at UNC may be different than represented by external sources.
- UNC NRP Educational Seminars Compilation of Network of Research Professionals (NRP) monthly educational sessions covering various clinical research topics, recorded at the time of presentation.
- UNC NRP New Coordinator Orientation Overview of best practices for conducting clinical research at UNC, recorded at the time of presentation.
- UNC OHRE/IRB Guidelines for Human Subjects Protection training Complete refresher CITI training modules for Human Subjects Protection and Good Clinical Practice (if not completed in last three years).
- FDA Learning Portal for Students, Academia, and Industry Educational resources and training opportunities related to FDA’s regulatory, product quality, and safety responsibilities.
- SOCRA Online Courses Training and continuing education from the Society of Clinical Research Associates (SOCRA) that will promote quality clinical research, protect the welfare of research participants and improve global health.
- OHRP Education and Outreach Mini tutorials and videos to promote understanding of HHS regulations for the protection of human subjects in research.
- Diamond Portal Collaborative listing of competency based training offerings and assessments for clinical research workforce development.
- ReGARDD Training & Education Compilation of videos and resources to provide regulatory guidance for academic research of drugs and devices.
- NIH Clinical Research Training Clinical research training for the spectrum of investigators and others involved in clinical research.
- ACRP eLearning and Webinars Most require ACRP membership or fee! Catalog of various educational offerings for clinical research professionals.
- Forte Courses for Clinical Trial Basics Educational resources for learning about clinical trial fundamentals and other industry related topics.