Multiple faculty in the Department of Genetics have been awarded new subcontracts from other universities or a new service agreement with a company.
-Dr. Karen Mohlke (Professor) was awarded a subcontract from UCLA for a project titled “Genetics of adipose cell-type expression and cardiometabolic traits” funded by NIDDK.
-Dr. Bev Koller (Associate Professor) was awarded a subcontract from University of Notre Dame for a project titled “Repurposing gram-positive antibiotics for gram-negative bacteria using antibiotic adjuvants” funded by NIAID.
-Dr. Katie Hoadley (Assistant Professor) was awarded a subcontract from Duke University for a project titled “Ancestry-related RNA splicing and immune expression in metastatic breast cancer” funded by Susan G. Komen for the Cure.
-Dr. Laura Milko (Assistant Professor) was awarded a Research Service Agreement for a project titled “Biocuration support service agreement with Enzyvant” funded by Enzyvant, a pharmaceutical company in Durham NC.