“Applying to the Clinical Laboratory Science major was the best decision I have ever made.” – Courtney Santos
The CLS program will prepare students for entry-level laboratory positions and a future in a constantly growing area of health care. Now is a great time to start a career in the clinical laboratory profession, because there is a nationwide shortage of clinical laboratory personnel. Our graduates have multiple job offers when they complete the program and go on to have rewarding careers in a wide variety of positions. We look forward to receiving applications and talking about the exciting field of clinical laboratory science.
Students typically enter the Clinical Laboratory Science program after completing general education requirements and prerequisite courses. Successful completion of the prerequisite courses listed under the major does not guarantee admission to the program. CLS students are selected on the basis of science and math prerequisite courses, grades, a written application, interviews, and letters of recommendation. Students who already have a baccalaureate degree and have the CLS prerequisite courses may apply for admission to the program and request a second baccalaureate degree from UNC-CH.
Because enrollment is limited, students are encouraged to begin the application process early in the fall preceding the year of enrollment. Completed applications received by the second Tuesday in January will receive first consideration for admissions. Completed applications received after that date will be considered if there are positions available in the program. Transfer students should note that the last day to apply to the CLS program through Undergraduate Admissions is February 15th. Transfer students are encouraged to apply as early as possible to allow ample time for transcript evaluation. Please also review our “Information for Transfer Students” page.
Please note: If you intend to work in a state that requires licensure of clinical laboratory personnel, you are advised to read the information on our Certification and Licensure page before completing your application for the CLS program.
Beginning the application:
Kayce Jones prepares a sample in MacNider 404.
Transfer Students, Second Degree Students and UNC-CH graduates: Applicants must apply to UNC and to the CLS program through Undergraduate Admissions. Applicants should indicate that they are applying to the CLS program, and should also get the CLS-specific questions on their application.
Current UNC-Chapel Hill Students only: Log in to the ConnectCarolina Student Center. In the “other academic” dropdown, select “Apply for Change of Major.” Once the request is completed and submitted, applicants will receive an email with instructions for completing the application. Download the CLS Supplemental Form to upload with the application.
Within the online application, it will ask for information including:
A list of current and planned courses. We need to know which courses applicants are currently taking and the courses they plan to take before entering the CLS program so we can make sure they will have the CLS pre-requisite courses and the courses needed to graduate from UNC-Chapel Hill.
School and community activities.
Work and volunteer experiences.
Special recognition and honors.
Recommendations. The email addresses of two recommenders will be required within the application for electronic submission and delivery. Applicants will receive an automated email containing instructions to complete a recommendation form and to submit the form via email. Recommendations should be completed by college professors or teaching assistants who are familiar with the applicant’s academic abilities.
Essay. Applicants will be asked to upload a one-to-two page typed statement describing their interest in CLS, their career goals, and how they think they can contribute to the CLS profession.
Please remember, as applicants complete the online application they should:
Include a current email address on the application because we will rely mainly on email for communication with applicants.
Application Assistance:
If students have questions about the application process, they should email CLSProgram@med.unc.edu. If there are any technical difficulties, please contact the UNC help desk at (919)962-HELP (919-962-4357).