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The development of professional skills in communication, teamwork, time management, and self-management are core features of any graduate program that seeks to educate practitioners in a discipline. For those in health care, issues of health equity and access to care demand that practitioners develop knowledge and skills related to ethics, equity, and social justice. In addition, self-care skills are critical for those in human service professions.  Our program uses a process focused on professional development that addresses these fundamental skills inherent in ethical and competent practice. In addition to these skills and behaviors, students must abide by all applicable University policies (e.g., Policy on Prohibited Discrimination, Harassment and Related Misconduct) and must comply with the American Occupational Therapy Association Code of Ethics.

The Professional Development Passport is designed to give students the opportunity to begin a habit of life-long learning and growth as an occupational therapy practitioner. This habit of life-long learning incorporates skills in reflection, self-awareness, self-assessment, and the ability to provide, accept, and use constructive feedback. It also includes an ongoing commitment to cultural humility, or the willingness to be open to others and see them as experts on their own cultures and identities. In addition, curating an awareness of issues of social justice, inequity, oppression, and/or exclusion helps us to have greater understanding of the life experiences of both our clients and our colleagues.

For more information, please see the Professional Development Passport Overview