Graduates and Dissertations
Susie Agostine: Relationship building and meaning making: An exploratory study
Ya Cing Syu: Understanding autistic young adults’ perceptions of sleep and the role of habits and routines in sleep experiences: A multi-method study
Stephanie Bristol: Understanding Participation in the Community for Autistic Children, Their Families and Their Assistance Dogs
Ben Lee: Exploring sensory processing and sensory experience in everyday life for adults with schizophrenia: A collaborative approach
Amanda Carroll: Examining the relationships between military service, occupation, resilience, and successful aging for older U.S. military veterans: A mixed methods study
Feddah Ahmad: Understanding the Occupation of Play: A Middle Eastern Revelation a Preliminary Exploration into Arab Parental Values and Children’s Engagement in Play in Kuwait
Katie Williams: Factors Impacting Participation in the Sensory Environment for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Adam DePrimo: The Épistémè of the Normal Bell Curve in Post-secondary Transition
Aaron Dallman: Understanding the Affective Dimension of Occupational Participation Among Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study
Abigail Carroll: Caregiving Teams and Toddlers Study: Two Single-Case Changing Criterion Designs to Examine the Effects of a Two Parent-Mediated Intervention for Families with Toddlers at Risk or with Autism
Ryan Lavalley: Occupations of a Living Community: Social Transformation of a Senior Center Welcoming Spanish-Speaking Older Adult Immigrants
Lauren Holahan: A Demonstration of the ‘Transactional Perspective as Method’ Integrating Occupational Science and Implementation Science
Mei-Ling Lin: The Transactional Effects between Family Occupations and Child Emotion Regulation Across Early Childhood
Ashley Mason: Mealtime Experiences and Activities: An Ethnography from the Children’s Perspective
Nikhil Tomar: An Ethnographic Analysis of Stigma Towards Mental Illness and Mental Health Care at Clubhouses in North Carolina
Caroline McCarty: Coming Home: Family Routines and Sense of Belonging in Older Child Adoption
Adrienne Miao: Family Occupation: A Study in Negotiated Participation
Chetna Sethi: Parental Decision-Making Processes: Historical and Sociocultural Influences on Everyday Parenting Occupations
Valerie Fox: An Exploration of Social Participation for Young Adults Following a First Psychotic Episode
Khaliah Johnson: Daily Life Activities in a Residential Facility for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities: An Institutional Ethnography
Anne Kirby: Factors Influencing Participation Outcomes of Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Ashley Freuler: Facing Challenges on Two Fronts: Exploring the Process of Resilience for Military Families Raising a Child with Autism
Emily Furgang Kertcher: Engagement of Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in Postsecondary Education
Kendra Heatwole Shank: Community Livability for Older Adults: The Person-Place Relationship and Process
Lauren Little: Home and community activities : Dimensions and associations with patterns of sensory response among children with autism spectrum disorders
Heather Fritz: Integrating Diabetes Self-Management into Daily Life: Exploring Process, Habit, and Occupation
Sumita Rege: Looking beyond: A study of blogging and what it tells us about occupations
Mackenzi Pergolotti: Older Adults with Cancer: Participation in Activity and the Utilization of Occupational Therapy
Rebecca Aldrich: Discouraged workers’ daily occupations : Exploring complex transactions in the experience of unemployment
Antoine Bailliard: Latino immigration to Small Town, North Carolina : Transformations in El Nuevo South