1999: James P. Kushner
Director of Huntsman General Clinical Research Center
James P. Kushner, MD Chief, Division of Hematology Director of Huntsman General Clinical Research Center University of Utah Health Science Center |
GCRC Program Director James P. Kushner, M.D., serves as a resource for investigators seeking to perform clinical research on the center. He reviews all proposals for center use, and ensures adherence to the Health Sciences Institutional Review Board, NIH regulations, and Advisory Committee policies.
Dr. Kushner received his initial clinical and research training in hematology under the tutelage of Drs. M.M. Wintrobe and G.E. Cartwright. He has concentrated his research efforts in two areas: genetic disorders of iron metabolism and genetic disorders affecting the porphyrin biosynthetic pathway. His research has been continuously funded through the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for the past 20 years. The grant supporting his research on the genetic basis of porphyric disorders was awarded merit status in its last competing renewal. He is the M.M. Wintrobe Profesor of Medicine and an Adjunct Professor of Pathology and is the Principle Investigator and Director of the University of Utah’s Center of Excellence in Molecular Hematology.
This information was copied from www.crc-gw.med.utah.edu/Staff/kushner__james_p_.cfm and www.int.med.utah.edu/hematology/james_kushnertxt%20html.htm on August 14, 2006.