Application Process
There are a number of steps in applying for the Carolina Medical Student Research Program (CMSRP). If you have any questions along the way, please contact the Office of Medical Student Research and we’ll be happy to help.
Please note: the deadline for applying for funding for the summer (May through August) of 2025 is 5:00 p.m. on Friday, February 21, 2025. Students interested in funding for one-year projects must also submit their applications before this deadline.
Step One:
Select a Mentor
The first step is to identify a research mentor. Visit our Find a Mentor page to see who is working in your area of interest. You can also check out the Resource Library for helpful information about what to consider when choosing a mentor.
Step Two:
Develop a Research Topic
Do this in conjunction with your mentor. If you are hoping to do a short-term research project, remember to limit the research design, as 8-12 weeks is a short period of time.
Step Three:
Compile Your Application
There are five items that comprise the full application. We recommend gathering all of your application elements before beginning the online application. The forms you will need are available for download at the links below. Please read the instructions carefully. If you have any questions, contact us.
Please note that the application and student biosketch forms have been formatted so that you can save them to your hard drive and type in your information. If you have problems using them, please contact Tiffany Durham.
- Application: Please fill out the CMSRP Application online. Make sure you read and follow all instructions to the letter. Please be sure to only complete the application if you have already secured every required document and merged all required documents into a single PDF file. Failure to do this will render your submission disqualified.
- Your biosketch: Please download and complete this Student Biosketch Form. Remember to save your form as a PDF and compile all documents into a single PDF file.
- A letter of support from your mentor. The letter should be reasonably detailed as to the project, expected support to be given to the student in the way of mentoring, technical help, and expected outcomes. The mentor should explicitly state that the student understands the hypothesis and is the primary author of the research design method and results. The letter must also describe the precise role the student will play in the project. Your letter must include your mentor’s signature. Please scan the letter and attach it with the application package. Please note that a UNC mentor is required to be eligible for program.
- Your mentor’s biosketch: Request a copy of your mentor’s NIH-style biosketch. Please include it with the application package. Please make sure your mentor is using this updated NIH format for biosketches.
- A written proposal: Use headings as shown in this Guidelines for Research Proposals document. Save your proposal as a PDF and remember to compile all documents into a single PDF and include them with your application. Please keep in mind that you must have IRB and/or IACUC approval or exemption before you start working on your research project, and we are not able to make exceptions to this policy (your mentor can help you with this). Use these sample proposals for reference:
Step Four:
Submit Your Application Online
Applications must be electronically submitted here. Remember, all supporting documents must be submitted merged as one PDF file.
The application for summer funding (May-August 2025) is due (and must be submitted online) to the Office of Medical Student Research before Friday, February 21, 2025 at 5:00 p.m. Applications submitted after that time will not be considered for funding.
Apply Now
Selection Process
Proposals submitted for funding during the summer (May-August) are due on February 21, 2025. Proposals will be evaluated by a study committee comprised of UNC faculty members. The committee will evaluate the proposals based on their preparation, design and feasibility. Each proposal will be given a number and rank ordered. We will fund as many applications as there are funds available. Students will be informed of the committee’s decision mid-April, 2024.
A short orientation will be held in May 2024 for all students participating in our summer CMSRP. Once you are selected for funding, you will be asked to agree to the rules and regulations stipulated by your funding source.