Eligibility and Requirements
Medical students who have completed one full year at UNC Chapel Hill and are in good standing are eligible to apply to the Carolina Medical Student Research Program. Most students (80%) participate the summer after their first year. Students are expected to work full-time on their projects. Different funding sources have different eligibility requirements. The Office of Medical Student Research will work with students to confirm their eligibility before funds are awarded. If you have any questions about your eligibility, please contact us and we will be happy to help.
Student Requirements and Responsibilities
Students are required to participant in a series of courses and informal meetings if these are held while they are doing their research. The Program may stipulate other alternative training sessions if research is being conducted from September through May. All students must have IRB/IACUC approvals before the start of the project, no exceptions. At the end of the research experience, students must submit a short report (2-3 pgs) and abstract (250 words) describing their findings.
The following requirements and responsibilities apply to all funding sources with the Carolina Medical Student Research Program:
- Medical students are eligible after their first completed year. No exceptions.
- Awardees cannot be registered for classes during their appointment or receive academic credit for work performed on the research project.
- Awardees are expected to spend 100% of their time (40 hrs/wk) on the project during the funded period.
- The project period will be 8 weeks.
- Awardees cannot receive concurrent funding, federal or otherwise.
- Awardees must submit all IRB & IACUC protocol numbers before starting their research projects.
- Awardees must attend a course in ethics and oral presentation skills if these are offered during their period of appointment.
- Awardees must attend bi-monthly research luncheons with UNC faculty.
- Awardees must submit an abstract and research report on their findings at the end their experience.
- Awardees must note the source of their funding on any presentation or publication of their findings.
- If the awardee pursues research outside of the United States, they will be bound by the rules and regulations set by the University and the School of Medicine pre-departure global travel requirements. Please contact oghe@med.unc.edu for more information and for approval for international travel.
- Awardees are expected to participate in the John B. Graham Student Research Society’s Student Research Day in November following their research summer.
Additional stipulations for those receiving funding through the NIH/NIDDK Short Term Research Training Program
- Awardees must complete a questionnaire to assess their experience at the end of their research experience.
- Students who drop out of the program will be required to pay back any funds distributed to them.
- Awardees will receive a portion of their stipend in the early part of the summer and must submit their final paper to our office in order to receive the remainder of their stipend. If they fail to do so, they must return their previous payment.
- Students who engage in human subjects research may be required to submit an additional enrollment form.
- The awardee must note the source of their funding on any presentation or publication of their findings. (e.g. “John Doe is supported by a training grant from NIDDK (T35 DK07386)” ).
- To facilitate future reports to the NIH students must agree to respond to our annual email solicitations regarding publications arising from their research training.