Other Research Resources
The North Carolina Translational and Clinical Sciences Institute is one of approximately 60 CTSA medical research institutions working together as a national consortium to improve the way biomedical research is conducted across the country. To achieve these goals, TraCS offers a number of programs and services to assist researchers.
In addition to research services for established investigators, NC TraCS has a number of training programs for junior faculty, both basic and clinical, working to establish an independent research program.
NC TraCS website
Find a Collaborator
The Office of Graduate Education maintains a searchable faculty database which can help you identify potential collaborators by entering keywords to find out who is doing specific areas of research.
What’s Going on in Research
The School of Medicine issues a weekly email newsletter, Vital Signs, that covers ongoing research projects, new awards and appointments, and events. UNC personnel can submit news articles and event information to Vital Signs (Onyen log in required). If you have questions about Vital Signs, please contact Leslie Wimmer or Matthew Englund.
If you have an exciting new project, discovery or publication Leslie or Matthew can help you connect with the news media outside of UNC. We encourage our investigators to help us get the word out about the exciting research going on at UNC.