First Day Information
Arrival Time:
Medical School Wing E, conference room 133
Course Director: Dr. Muge Calikoglu
Prior to your first day, contact Dr. Muge Calikoglu to discuss course expectations and determine a schedule for the month. Dr. Calikoglu will meet you on your first day for Monday morning conference in Medical School Wing E, conference room 133. If you are beginning on a Tuesday and Dr. Calikoglu is unavailable, Mrs. Becky Brinson who works in the Genetics and Metabolism Office will help you – she will let you know who the attendings are for the week for General Genetics and Metabolism. You should then contact the attendings to let them know you are available for clinic and consults. Mrs. Brinson will provide a list of patients for the week.
Administrative Contacts:
Medical School Wing E, Room 117
Emily Stroud, Division Administrator: 919-843-1909
Becky Brinson, Administrative Specialist: 919-966-4204