Rotation Guidelines
Your Role:
You will work the intern shift Monday through Friday. When one AI is scheduled during a block, the AI will be assigned to the “Green Team” (Pods A, B and C) and be supervised by the day resident. When 2 AIs are present, someone will be assigned to the Blue Team (Pods D, E and F) and supervised by a resident and neonatal fellow. Generally the AI follows 2 to 3 patients in the NICU; this number will be individualized.
Your role will be similar to that of the intern. This includes writing admission and daily progress notes. You will assume responsibility for the daily assessment and management plan for your patients, as well as daily communication with families. You will also attend deliveries with supervision by a resident or NNP. Typically you will see your patient along with an intern and/or resident. Discuss all orders with the intern, resident and/or fellow. Write daily progress notes on your patients with signature by your intern or resident. You will be expected to follow patients, present on rounds, sign-out your patients to the on-call resident or NNP prior to leaving for the day. Check-in with your resident or fellow to review plans for your patients before you leave.
You should do necessary procedures on your patients under the supervision of an MD or NNP. Given the fragility of NICU patients this will be subject to the judgment of the attending, fellow or resident. Be assertive about asking to do procedures and asking for supervision, but understand that on occasion this will not be possible.
Didactic Presentation:
In addition to patient care activities in the NICU, you will prepare a didactic presentation, approximately 30 min in length for presentation to the team. This will generally be scheduled for the last week of your month. You may do a case presentation or choose a topic of interest. Discuss and arrange the time and date with your attending.
Your performance will be observed daily by the NICU attending. A mid-rotation verbal assessment should be given to each student by the attending. A final online evaluation will be completed at the end of your rotation. Please provide us with any feedback you might have about your experience.
References (available in the unit and/or on-line via UNC libraries):
- Cloherty JP, Eichenwald EC, Stark AR (Eds). Manual of Neonatal Care. 7th Edition. Philadelphia. Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins. 2011 (most recent edition)
- MacDonald MG, Mullett MD, Seshia MMK (Eds). Avery’s Neonatology: Pathophysiology and Management of the Newborn. 6th Edition. Philadelphia. Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins. 2005
- Martin RJ, Fanaroff AA, Walsh MC. Fanaroff and Martin’s Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine: Diseases of the Fetus and Infant. 9th Edition. Philadelphia. Mosby. 2010