Laura Ornelas, PhD, has been selected as a Mentee for the 2024 American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP) Underrepresented Minority Near-Peer Mentorship program. The ACNP URM Near-Peer Mentorship Program is designed to provide mentorship support from ACNP member mentors to underrepresented minorities who plan to enter or are early career scientists in research fields in neuropsychopharmacology. The comprehensive, multi-year program provides education on topics such as career skills, goal setting, negotiating, time management, starting a lab, negotiating positions, career life balance, and culturally responsive mentorship relationships.
Dr. Ornelas is completing her postdoctoral training under the mentorship of Dr. Joyce Besheer, Professor in the Bowles Center for Alcohol Studies and Department of Psychiatry.