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NRMN Black Leadership Juneteeth seminar

The Black Scholar and the Black Leadership experience in the workplace are distinctive. Often, being the "only" in a room, on a team, or in the workplace at large is not an unusual experience for Black leaders. In this panel, participants discuss the challenges posed by a lack of representation at the leadership level—and the … Read more

Event Series Mindful Monday Meditation

Mindful Monday Meditation

Take advantage of self-compassion meditation sessions provided by School of Medicine and dedicate time to self-nurture. Mindfulness and self-compassion meditations assist with stress reduction, mental flexibility and even resilience. Sessions are 30-minutes every Monday led by Jonny Gerkin.

Racial Justice

This workshop addresses structural racism in the United States. The workshop explores the history of race as a social construct and the effects of racism on our education and health care systems. It also engages participants in a discussion of how to combat structural racism within the School of Medicine.

Lineberger seminar: Chrystal Starbird

You are invited to attend an IN-PERSON or via ZOOM webinar hosted by UNC Lineberger Cancer Center When: Wednesday, June 29, 2022,  4:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada). 00-002 Joseph S. Pagano Conf. Rm. Topic: UNC Lineberger Special Seminar Presenter – Chrystal Starbird, PhD, Yale University “Structural insights into extracellular TAM receptor organization”  Register in advance for zoom.

Event Series Mindful Monday Meditation

Mindful Monday Meditation

Take advantage of self-compassion meditation sessions provided by School of Medicine and dedicate time to self-nurture. Mindfulness and self-compassion meditations assist with stress reduction, mental flexibility and even resilience. Sessions are 30-minutes every Monday led by Jonny Gerkin.