Week of Events
Incoming Graduate Orientation
Incoming graduate students, Register for graduate orientation, to be held on Wednesday, August 10. Learn from our faculty and staff panels, attend a resource fair, and wrap up your day with a graduate student social.
Mindful Monday Meditation
Mindful Monday Meditation
Take advantage of self-compassion meditation sessions provided by School of Medicine and dedicate time to self-nurture. Mindfulness and self-compassion meditations assist with stress reduction, mental flexibility and even resilience. Sessions are 30-minutes every Monday led by Jonny Gerkin.
Greg Wang 2022 ASBMB Young Investigator Award lecture
Greg Wang 2022 ASBMB Young Investigator Award lecture
At 1:30 p.m. Eastern, Greg Wang, winner of the ASBMB Young Investigator Award, will present his lecture "Chromatin-based modulations underlying gene regulation and pathogenesis" and participates in a Q&A session. Brian Strahl will moderate this session. Free registration is required.
BBSP Faculty Poster Session 1
BBSP Faculty Poster Session 1
BBSP Orientation Faculty Poster Session 1 – Tues, Aug 9, 2 pm-4 pm, Bioinfo & GMB Lobbies, registration link https://unc.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_50IRrolTcPs9q4K
BCBP Bagel breakfast
BCBP Bagel breakfast
Please RSVP via email calendar invite. Event organizers: Amelia, Maria, and Gage BCBP Social Chairs
Graduate School Orientation and GPSG/CUAB Social Welcome Event
Graduate School Orientation and GPSG/CUAB Social Welcome Event
After the Resource Fair, you are invited to the Amphitheatre to chat with other graduate and professional students, cool down with popsicles, win UNC merchandise, play games (corn hole, balloon soccer, yard pong, board games), paint canvases and skulls, and listen to music! Campus walking tours are also being offered as part of Graduate Orientation.
BBSP Faculty Poster Session 2 & Student Group Fair
BBSP Faculty Poster Session 2 & Student Group Fair
BBSP Orientation Faculty Poster Session 2 + Student Group Fair - Thurs, Aug 11, 10am-12pm, Bioinfo & GMB Lobbies, registration link https://unc.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_50IRrolTcPs9q4K Other Opportunities for Faculty Faculty Poster Session 1 - Tues, Aug 9, 2pm-4pm, Bioinfo & GMB Lobbies, registration link (https://unc.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_50IRrolTcPs9q4K) Post a rotation ad on Canvas: https://uncch.instructure.com/courses/347/discussion_topics/5816 (click "Reply" to start writing your post) Incoming students' … Read more
Popular Courses for BBSP Students
Popular Courses for BBSP Students
Popular Courses for BBSP Students - Fri, Aug 12, 9am-9:45am, Bioinfo 1131 In past years, this was called the Course Bazaar. It's an opportunity for students to hear a quick pitch from course directors about why they may want to take their class.
BBSP Course Advising & Registration
BBSP Course Advising & Registration
Course Advising and Registration for incoming BBSP students - Fri, Aug 12, 10am-11:30am, Bioinfo & GMB Lobbies Popular Courses for BBSP Students - Fri, Aug 12, 9am-9:45am, Bioinfo 1131 Course directors can give a quick pitch to students about why they may want to take their class. Below are the faculty who have said they will … Read more
BCBP student info session (BBSP Orientation)
BCBP student info session (BBSP Orientation)
BBSP Orientation BCBP student info session with Wolfgang Bergmeier DGS, and Holly Shepherd SSM. Also, learn about our available rotations at this news post, BBSP Graduate Student Rotations available 2022-23 in Biochemistry and Biophysics
BCBP Ice Cream Social
BCBP Ice Cream Social
Open to members of our department, incoming BBSP students, and invited guests.
FALLFEST 2022 celebrating UNC Students
FALLFEST 2022 celebrating UNC Students
For new and returning students: Join us at the Carolina Union on Sunday, August 14th for the 27th annual FallFest! We are excited to hold FallFest this year for the first time since 2019. FallFest will take place right after First Year Convocation at 6:30 pm and will go until 10:00 pm. FallFest provides a fun welcome back to campus for new and returning Tar Heels alike. FallFest will feature free food, giveaways, games, music, activities, and more. These features include a Blacklight Bash in the Great Hall of the Union, food vendors on South Road, a Live Mosaic Photo Wall Activity in the Art Gallery, video games, table tennis and Just Dance featured in the Union Underground, and the CUAB Student Organization Showcase & Trivia in the auditorium, among many other events and activities. There will also be outdoor events and activities such as tie dye, hand painting on the CUBES, a caricature artist, a balloon animal artist, airbrush tattoos, and a DJ. The Carolina Union looks forward to welcoming all Tar Heels to our community and giving them an opportunity to find a place to belong at Carolina.