Analysis Service
fMRI-Standard Preprocessing
1 Slice timing problem correction
2 Head motion correction
3 Skull stripping
4 Coregistration
5 Spatial Normalization
Overview of Pipeline
Estimate the task-driven BOLD response model
Create subject evoked response map using General Linear Model (GLM) analysis
Group-level statistics
Sample Figures
Group evoked response map of optogenetic stimulation on Striatum
fMRI-Resting State
Nuisance signal regression (6 degrees of motion parameter)
Frequency filtering (Typical range of band-pass filter: 0.01 ~ 0.1Hz)
Calculate resting state parameters: ALFF, ReHo, Seed-based connectivity, etc.
Group-level statistics
Sample Figures
Seed-based voxel-wise connectivity map from single subject (Wistar rat P80)
Default mode network
Seed location: CG
Primary Somatosensory
Seed location: S1
Overview of Pipeline

Rigid Registration
Individual cases are aligned to an external template atlas and the DTI metrics are computed from the raw DWI image

Skull Stripping
All non-brain tissue is removed from the image
Population Average Creation
The registered images are averaged together to create an image that is representative of the population of data.
Population Average Segmentation
The segmentation from the external template atlas is applied to the population atlas
Segmentation Propagation
The segmentation from the population average image is propagated, or warped back to the individual subjects.
Region Based Statistics
Both volume and diffusion based-metrics (FA, MD, AD, RD) can be gathered from the indvidual cases’ warped segmentation.
Sample Figures
Average Image of Colored FA

Average Image of MD, AD, RD

3D Images with ROIs

Average Image with 20 ROIs / Bar graphs and correlation plots