The Siemens Magnetom Prisma is a 3T MR whole body scanner available for use in both human and animal studies.
- XR 80/200 Gradient System
- Higher Order Shim, delivering 5A/channel
- Parallel Transmit with TIMTX TrueShape technology and Syngo ZOOMit
- Diffusion Spectrum imaging, allowing up to 514 diffusion directions
- Syngo DTI, allowing up to 256 directions
- TIM 4G for excellent image quality and speed
- Siemens unique DirectRF 9t/m technology enabling the all digital-in/digital-out design
- Dual-Density Signal Transfer Technology
- Day Optimizing Throughput (Dot) for higher consistency, flexibility, and efficiency
- AutoAlign is an automated alignment for standardized and reproducible slice positioning in the head based on a 3D MR brain atlas and 3D AutoAlign scout.
- Multinuclear (MNO) support package that includes the generation of RF pulses for the nuclei 3He, 7Li, 13C, 17O, 19F, 23Na, 31P and 129Xe
- fMRI using Current Designs Pyka 5-Finger Response Pad or Tethyx Joystick
Studies may be scheduled from 8:00 AM- 4:00 PM on Monday – Friday.
3T MR Images: