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Associate Professor, Genetics 

Research Interests

Keywords: chromatin, epigenetics, histone, craniofacial, cancer

The Shpargel laboratory studies the coordination of histone-modifying enzymes in regulating chromatin structure, enhancer activation, and transcription. We utilize mouse genetics and cell culture model systems to study the mechanisms of enhancer activation in neural crest cell epigenetics, craniofacial development, and altered enhancer regulation in cancer. This is accomplished through a variety of techniques including mouse mutagenesis, fluorescent reporters to isolate primary cells of interest, low cell number genomics, and proteomic approaches.

Mentor Training:

  • Bias 101
  • Faculty Mentoring Workshop for Biomedical Researchers

Training Program Affiliations:

  • Genetics and Molecular Biology


Karl Shpargel in UNC Genetics News

Karl Shpargel, PhD