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Patient Care Overview

The UNC Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology is the premier academic practice in North Carolina and among the top gastroenterology programs nationwide. Faculty members are widely recognized for their expertise, clinical skills, and dedication to patients. UNC gastroenterologists have written many of the national guidelines for diagnosing and treating digestive and liver diseases. Each year we staff more than 25,000 clinic visits and perform more than 20,000 GI endoscopic procedures. We strive to deliver high-quality, personalized, and compassionate care to each person we treat. Please contact us to schedule a clinic or procedure appointment at one of our multiple locations.

Patient Visits

Most patients are seen in person at one of our three Triangle clinical locations. We also see patients in several satellite clinics across the state, as well as via telemedicine.

Prepare for ProceduresPrepare for Clinic Appointments

Our outpatient clinical services include clinic-based consultations and ongoing care, as well as gastrointestinal procedures and motility testing. Click below to learn more about particular focus areas.

Clinical Trials

We are applying advanced science to the ongoing search for new ways to treat disease, while providing clinical trial participants with top-notch, compassionate care from a team of dedicated healthcare professionals.

We invite you to learn more, and find out if a clinical trial might be right for you.

Learn More About Our Clinical Trials


My UNC Chart is a safe, secure and convenient patient portal that allows you to access your health information when it is convenient for you.

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Treatment Locations