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Neuroscience Curriculum

Welcome to the Neuroscience Curriculum at UNC Chapel Hill. More than 250 students successfully completed PhD training in our curriculum over the years. Our alumni have outstanding positions in schools of medicine, university basic science departments, liberal arts colleges, biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies, regulatory agencies, consulting firms, and in scientific publishing. We offer training across the breadth of basic and clinical neuroscience including use of state of the art methodologies to study nervous system function. Collegiality, collaboration and enhancement of personal career development are integral parts of all neuroscience curriculum educational and research activities. There are numerous community events including a weekly campus-wide neuroscience seminar, weekly research talks given by students, an annual symposium, and an annual student research retreat.
Mark Zylka
Mark Zylka, PhD Director

The Neuroscience Curriculum (NBIO) stresses a multi-disciplinary approach to the study of the brain. More than 75 faculty members in 12 departments and 5 specialized research centers participate in this interdisciplinary program. The Curriculum facilitates communication between these neuroscientists across departmental barriers in order to:

  • Provide PhD training that incorporates a broad interdisciplinary background.
  • Provided opportunities for thesis work in laboratories representing the full spectrum of modern neuroscience research.
  • Promote the very latest technical approaches.
  • Facilitate collaborative, interdisciplinary and translational research.

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