NC Residency
BBSP in the first year emphasizes the importance of establishing North Carolina (NC) residency. Important acts to establish residency include filing tax returns in NC, getting an NC driver’s license, registering a car in NC, registering to vote in NC, etc. Once significant events are completed, to establish NC residency an additional 365 days of residency is required. Students during late summer at the beginning of their second year should try to verify in state status. Getting residency confirmed on the first try is not typical (but does happen). Keep trying! A student is allowed to check for residency up to twice in any 90 day interval.
To verify NC residency, students use a third party website that can search/guide you through a series of questions to determine residency. The only information generally needed to check status is knowledge of your social security number and driver’s license number. The NC Residency Web Portal will allow you to determine your residency and provide instructions for obtaining other information if needed.
If a student is determined to be an NC resident they will be given an NC residency identifier number that must later be entered into ConnectCarolina to gain NC residency status. If the student forgets to enter the NC residency number into their ConnectCarolina account they will still be charged out of state tuition.
The student may also ask the student services manager to guide them through the process in person if they desire. In the event there are not enough tuition remission (out of state) funds, students who have been at UNC the longest and were eligible to establish/apply for residency (US citizens and permanent residents (green card holders), will receive the last allotment of tuition remission funds.