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Program Overview

The Neuroscience Curriculum (NBIO) stresses a multi-disciplinary approach to the study of the brain. More than 75 faculty members in 12 departments and 5 specialized research centers participate in this interdisciplinary program. The Curriculum facilitates communication between these neuroscientists across departmental barriers in order to:

Brain Banner

  • Provide PhD training that incorporates a broad interdisciplinary background.
  • Provided opportunities for thesis work in laboratories representing the full spectrum of modern neuroscience research.
  • Promote the very latest technical approaches.
  • Facilitate collaborative, interdisciplinary and translational research.

We also encourage increased communication and interactions among neuroscientists at UNC and neighboring institutions (Duke University, North Carolina State University, National Institute of Environmental Health Service (NIEHS) and North Carolina Central University) by sponsoring seminars, symposia, journal clubs, and conferences. Finally, NBIO strongly supports and fosters the exposure to a broad range of potential careers through the (Training Initiatives in Biomedical and Biological Sciences) TIBBS Program. TIBBS and other career development programs offer information, seminars, workshops and individual guidance for all biomedical career options, including academic, government, pharmaceutical and scientific publishing.


The following document describes the program in more detail.
Benchmarks and Deadlines: This document describes the timing of specific benchmarks and deadlines for students in the program.