June is Cataracts Awareness Month. UNC Ophthalmology joins the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) this month in spotlighting an ocular disease that affects 25 million Americans of advancing age. UNC Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology Rodolfo Bonatti, MD, is a specialist in medical and procedural treatment of cataracts. Dr. Bonatti offers his expertise as a guide for aging adults to learn more about this vision-worsening condition and how it’s treated.
Q&A with a Cataracts Specialist
What exactly are cataracts? As the leading cause of reversible blindness worldwide, cataracts are a significant health concern for adults of advancing age. The CDC reports that over 17% of Americans over 40 will have at least one eye affected by cataracts. That number that rises to 70% by age 75.
How do health behaviors influence development of cataracts? Research shows the influence of lifestyle and health behaviors on cataract formation. Excessive sunlight exposure, smoking, and long-term use of steroid medication can accelerate the process. Medical conditions like diabetes and other eye diseases also play a role. However, it’s important to note that there are ways to slow down cataracts, putting some control back in your hands.
All asymptomatic adults need to have a comprehensive eye exam by age 40. Call UNC Kittner Eye Center at 984-974-2020 to schedule a first-time comprehensive eye exam with a faculty ophthalmologist or optometrist who will screen for cataracts, among other ocular diseases. If your screening detects cataracts, make an appointment with Dr. Bonatti at 984-974-2020, or visit UNC Ophthalmology’s clinical faculty page to note our other cataract specialists. To learn more about degenerative and vision-worsening eye diseases that affect senior adults, visit the AAO’s Eye Health Information for Adults Over 65 page.