Samir Kelada
Genetics, Genomics, Systems Biology, Toxicology
Institution: UNC School of Medicine
Voice: 919-962-2148
While both genes and environment are thought to influence human health, most investigations of complex disease only examine one of these risk factors in isolation. Accounting for both types of risk factors and their complex interactions allows for a more holistic view of complex disease causation. The Kelada lab is focused on the identification and characterization of these gene-environment interactions in airway diseases, particularly asthma, a disorder of major public health importance. / / Additionally, to gain insight into how the airway responds to relevant exposures (e.g., allergens or pathogens), we study gene expression in the lung (particularly airway epithelia). Our goal is identify the genetic determinants of gene expression by measuring gene expression across many individuals (genotypes). / This “systems genetics” approach allows us to identify master regulators of gene expression that may underlie disease susceptibility or represent novel therapeutic targets. /