Week of Events
Mindful Monday Meditation
Mindful Monday Meditation
Take advantage of self-compassion meditation sessions provided by School of Medicine and dedicate time to self-nurture. Mindfulness and self-compassion meditations assist with stress reduction, mental flexibility and even resilience. Sessions are 30-minutes every Monday led by Jonny Gerkin.
BCBP Seminar: Sarah Keane PhD
BCBP Seminar: Sarah Keane PhD
Sarah Keane, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Chemistry and Biophysics University of Michigan Host: Qi Zhang Title: Structural determinants of microRNA biogenesis Research: The discovery of functional non-coding (nc) RNAs has revolutionalized our understanding of gene expression and regulation. There is a wealth recent information implicating ncRNAs as regulators of a variety of cellular and pathogenic processes. … Read more
BCBP DEI Townhall
BCBP DEI Townhall
Please join us for a DEI Town Hall meeting organized by Jean Cook, Qi Zhang, and Silvia Ramos. We would like everyone to attend, if possible, to go over the DEI survey and obtain feedback from everyone, especially students, regarding the results and suggestions regarding improvement. There will also be a zoom option (please see … Read more
Student Thesis Defense: Jean Marie Mwiza
Student Thesis Defense: Jean Marie Mwiza
You are cordially invited to attend the Dissertation Defense Seminar entitled: “Determining the Platelet Signaling Pathway(s) Critical in Venous Thrombosis Pathogenesis” Student: Jean Marie Mwiza Advisors: Dr. Wolfgang Bergmeier and Dr. Alisa Wolberg UNC PhD Program: Pathology and Lab Medicine Location: Marsico 2004 or zoom. Please contact Wolfgang Bergmeier, Holly Sheperd, or the PhD candidate … Read more