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In exceptional circumstances, cash advances are made to principal investigators for such purposes as small payments to study subjects, supplies, purchasing materials, and other specialized activities. Advances are limited to only those circumstances requiring cash payments of dollar amounts too small to justify the use of an imprest bank account or transfers to foreign banks. Advances must be reconciled and settled within 60 days.

If a cash advance is deemed necessary, the following forms will need to be completed and submitted your Award Manager for processing:

Forms and Instructions

Restrictions on use of cash advance

A cash advance should not be used for the following:

  • Payment to an employee for services.
  • Payment to an independent contractor, including guest lecturer, for services.
  • Cash awards to an employee.
  • Travel reimbursements, such as airline tickets, hotel accommodations, and related expenses. Travel-related expense reimbursements should be requested through the Web Travel System.

Cash Advance F.A.Q.

To request a cash advance please complete the required forms and submit to your Award Manager.
Once the requester of the cash advance receives the check for the cash advance, be sure to keep the original copy of the check stub; this will be needed when reconciling the cash advance. Also, detailed records must be provided (i.e., original receipts and excel spreadsheet) of the expenses made with the cash advance should be provided to your Award Manager for reconciling.
Employees and independent contractors may not be paid using cash advance funds.
A log of expenditures is required and can be very helpful when keeping track of expenses. One method is a simple excel spreadsheet of expenditures listing: date, vendor, description of purchase, and amount.
To reconcile a cash advance, please submit your record of expenses including original receipts, a completed Reconciliation of Cash Advance for Study Subjects form, and check stub to your Award Manager. If your expenses total less than the advance you received, you will need to write a check for the difference, made out to The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
All purchases should be arranged and administered in advance through CWHR. This can be through your account manager or the research manager for your study. No personal funds may be used without prior approval. Office of Sponsored Research has the right to deny reimbursement of personal funds without prior approval.