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Purchase requisitions are required for any order over $5,000, whether or not the purchase is made from a vendor in the vendor catalog. Item/items must be purchasable by US Dollars. Please provide your Award Manager with the following information:

  • Vendor name and address (if vendor is not currently in system a W-9 will be required)
  • A description and part number of the item you would like ordered
  • The price of the item
  • Quantity you would like ordered
  • Unit of measure that matches the price
  • Project ID number or Chartfield string to charge
  • Shipping address
  • Any quotes from Vendor
  • Justification of the purchase (ie: what the purchase is for and why this particular vendor was chosen)
  • Indicate if the order is associated with a State Contract or University Term Contract (UTC.)
  • Complete the Sole Source/Waiver of Competition back up documentation is required If only one specific vendor can be used

If an order over $5,000 is placed and services or goods are received before a purchase requisition is processed an explanation of why the misuse occurred, supporting documentation, and invoice must be submitted to your Award Manager.

Link: Purchase Requisitions and Receiving Guide