Injected Fillers
The aging process also affects the skin, fat, muscles and bone of the face, with the aggregate result being the sinking and sagging we notice in our face as we age. If the primary concern is a loss of facial volume (sinking) contributing to the lines and wrinkles in the face, then injectable fillers may be an option.
Achieving a natural appearance is critical, not just filling lines and “plumping up the face”. We have all seen the horrific results of the overly-filled face…even the casual observer will claim that “they look like cats and monkeys”. Creating natural results demands a critical/thoughtful analysis of your face, after which there will be a thorough discussion of the “pros” and “cons” of the various filler options during your in-office consultation.
Each patient is analyzed carefully and presents a different anatomic picture and requires a different set of tools for optimal, natural facial rejuvenation. You can be sure your treatment will be individualized to your particular needs.