Ptosis Surgery
The margin of the upper eyelid may sag with aging, sometimes referred to as a “lazy eye”. In fact, this is often a problem that insurance covers due to the crowding of the vision (often exacerbated by being tired). If this occurs, a visual field test may help determine whether your insurance company will cover the ptosis repair.
After elevation of the margin of the upper eyelid, the field of vision is dramatically improved. Sometimes excess eyelid skin and /or the brows also contribute to the crowding of the eyes, and in some cases these may also need to be addressed in order to achieve the improvement in the visual fields.
Each patient is analyzed carefully and presents a different anatomic picture and requires a different set of tools for an optimal, natural periorbital rejuvenation. You can be sure your treatment will be individualized to your particular needs.
Click here to read the academic publication entited The Bipedicled Orbicularis Oculi Myocutaneous Flap for the Repair of Paralytic Ectropion.