What is AHEC?
The acronym AHEC stands for Area Health Education Centers.
The Health Sciences AHEC office partners with the North Carolina AHEC system to provide continuing education offerings to Allied Health Practitioners throughout North Carolina; the clinical placement of students for training purposes in rural and urban communities; and for the provision of technical assistance and consultative services. The state’s highly successful Area Health Education Centers (AHEC) Program is administered through the School of Medicine with nine regional centers and linkages throughout the state.
Regional Centers
There are nine AHECs that employ nearly one hundred full and part-time faculty with appointments to professional schools at UNC-Chapel Hill. This program has established teaching programs for health sciences students at a number of community hospitals and practice sites throughout the state. These well-supervised experiences serve to develop clinical skills, demonstrate primary care practice, and expose students to the opportunities and challenges of allied health practice in community-based health care settings.
NC AHEC Regions
Student Housing Information
The office of Student Services & AHEC Operations provides assistance to students seeking to obtain housing while being assigned to various clinical rotations.
AHEC Questions?
Contact Dr. Hannah Siburt via email at hannah_siburt@med.unc.edu. Request a course here.