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Guidelines for Using This Service:

  • UNC School of Medicine IT (SOM IT) cannot record, store, or stream any content that is in violation of state or federal laws, or UNC and SOM IT Information Security Policies. By adding files to this system, you confirm your use follows all related University policies and applicable laws, including UNC Copyright Policy and Information Technology Acceptable Use. Please see UNC Policies and Procedures below for additional resources.
  • No Protected Health Information (PHI) can be included in Panopto recordings, even with authorization. Please ask presenters to remove any PHI from their presentations prior to recording.
  • Please see Platforms Approved for Sharing PHI on our Video Conferencing Guidelines page.
  • It is the requestor’s responsibility to make the presenters and attendees aware of the recording prior to and during the event. If a presenter or attendee advises they do not want to be recorded, the recording must be canceled or deleted. We recommend muting all mics before and after the presentations to prevent recording private conversations.
  • Any presenters not affiliated with the UNC School of Medicine (SOM) must sign our Recording Release Form. Each department is responsible for obtaining and retaining the original, signed documents.
  • SOM IT will have no liability or responsibility in the event of any loss or interruption of services or recorded content due to causes beyond its reasonable control or ability to foresee.
  • Panopto recordings are deleted automatically after two years of no usage.
  • Copy protection may cause a green screen to record in place of content when recording over HDMI. This happens automatically with Apple devices (e.g., Mac laptops, iPads), and with any devices when an app streaming encrypted content is open. Presenters should transfer their files to the room computer for presenting if they encounter problems with their device.
  • Please see our Best Practices and FAQs page for helpful recording information.

Requesting a Scheduled Recording

Recordings can be pre-scheduled using our Request a Scheduled Recording form.

Before Requesting a Recording

  • Requestors must receive Room Reservation confirmation before requesting recordings. Recording start and end times cannot be outside of the room reservation times.
  • Faculty, staff, and event coordinators can request scheduled recordings. Students can only request recordings of their Public Dissertation Defense Presentation.
  • Recording requests should be made at least two business days in advance to allow time for proper scheduling. You will receive a confirmation email with a link to your recording folder.
  • Panopto recordings are deleted automatically after two years of no usage.
  • Copy protection may cause a green screen to record in place of content when recording over HDMI. This happens automatically with Apple devices (e.g., Mac laptops, iPads), and with any devices when an app streaming encrypted content is open. Presenters should transfer their files to the room computer for presenting if they encounter problems with their device.

Recording Request Form User Agreement

When accessing the request form, requestors must agree to the following:

  • UNC School of Medicine IT (SOM IT) cannot record, store, or stream any content that is in violation of state or federal laws, or UNC and SOM IT Information Security Policies. By adding files to this system, you confirm your use follows all related University policies and applicable laws, including UNC Copyright Policy and Information Technology Acceptable Use.
  • No Protected Health Information (PHI) can be included in Panopto recordings, even with authorization. Please ask presenters to remove any PHI from their presentations prior to recording.
  • It is the requestor’s responsibility to make the presenters and attendees aware of the recording prior to and during the event. If a presenter or attendee advises they do not want to be recorded, the recording must be canceled or deleted. We recommend muting all mics before and after the presentations to prevent recording private conversations.
  • Any presenters not affiliated with the UNC School of Medicine (SOM) must sign our Recording Release Form. Each department is responsible for obtaining and retaining the original, signed documents.
  • SOM IT will have no liability or responsibility in the event of any loss or interruption of services or recorded content due to causes beyond its reasonable control or ability to foresee.

UNC Policies and Procedures