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EastowneProviders at the UNC Hypertension Clinic use a multidisciplinary approach to evaluate and manage high blood pressure, with skilled nurses, pharmacists, and specialists in heart disease (cardiologists) and kidney disease (nephrologists) working together to provide you with the correct diagnosis and develop an individualized treatment plan. We place a heavy emphasis on modifying lifestyle factors that contribute to high blood pressure. We also embrace patient engagement and self-blood pressure monitoring. In collaboration with our pharmacists, we strive to find medications that are effective, affordable, and well-tolerated. Finally, we participate in clinical trials that offer advanced, innovative treatment techniques.

The clinic has been designated as a Comprehensive Hypertension Center by the American Heart Association.

American Heart Association Comprehensive Hypertension Center Certification


The UNC Hypertension Clinic is located at the Eastowne Clinic at 100 Eastowne Drive in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Contact Information

For patients to make an appointment: 984-974-7244
For providers: visit our Referrals page to learn more.

Business Hours

The Hypertension Clinic meets on Friday mornings from 8:00 AM until noon.

Preparing for Clinic Appointments


Please bring all of your current medications. This will enable your providers in the clinic to check for drug interactions and make suggestions for changes in your hypertension drugs to help get your blood pressure under better control.


Please complete our short lifestyle survey to help us identify areas where changes in your eating habits and exercise patterns may help your blood pressure control.

Download Lifestyle Survey
Blood pressure monitoring

If you have a home blood pressure monitor, please record blood pressures at home for the week before your appointment using the schedule described here. Below are links to help you, including detailed instructions on how to monitor your blood pressure, and a blood pressure log that you can print and fill in with your values. Please bring your monitor and a record of your blood pressures to your clinic appointment.

How to Monitor Your Blood Pressure Blood Pressure Log