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Gabriella Szatmáry, MD, PhD
Christopher Morais, MD

The UNC Neuro-Ophthalmology service provides evaluation and treatment of patients presenting with eye misalignments/strabismus, double vision, Graves’ disease/thyroid eye disease, facial dystonias (blepharospasm and hemifacial spasm) and other orbital diseases.  This service is also actively involved in research studies aimed at identifying patients with Graves’ disease who may have a higher risk of future development of severe eye problems and who may therefore benefit from earlier treatment aimed at prevention of such complications.  This division works closely with other specialty areas at UNC School of Medicine on cross-disciplinary patient cases.

Professor of Ophthalmology Gabriella Szatmáry, MD, PhD, and Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology Christopher Morais, MD, offer evaluation, optic nerve imaging and treatment of patients presenting with optic nerve disease, acquired binocular diplopia, and other neuro-ophthalmic-related conditions. Call 984-974-2020 to make an appointment with either of our highly trained neuro-ophthalmologists at UNC Kittner Eye Center in Chapel Hill, NC.