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J. Niklas Ulrich, MD

Alice Zhang, MD

Beatrice Brewington, MD

Keirnan Willett, MD

Arpita Maniar, MBBS, MD

Alessandro Iannaccone, MD


The University of North Carolina Department of Ophthalmology staffs six American Board of Ophthalmology board-certified, fellowship-trained ophthalmologists who offer consultative/diagnostic care and medical/surgical management of multiple diseases of the retina, choroid, and vitreous. Our scope of retina-focused clinical services includes medical and surgical management of macular degeneration, diabetic eye disease (diabetic retinopathy), retinal detachments, macular holes, epiretinal membranes, retinal vein and artery occlusions, ocular trauma, hereditary retinal disease and other conditions.


A primary interest of UNC Department of Ophthalmology in treating uveitis is supporting patients with refractory uveitis or difficult diagnostic situations. When necessary, we provide high-level, anti-inflammatory therapies (immunosuppression) with the assistance of UNC’s Department of Rheumatology.

UNC’s six Vitreoretinal-Uveitis specialists — Associate Professor and Vitreo-Retinal Surgery Fellowship Program Director J. Niklas Ulrich, MD, Assistant Professor Beatrice Brewington, MD, Assistant Professor and Residency Program Director Alice Zhang, MD, Assistant Professor Keirnan Willett, MD, Assistant Professor Arpita Maniar, MBBS, MD and Professor of Ophthalmology Alessandro Iannaccone, MD, MS, FARVO — all offer consultative and diagnostic Vitreoretinal-Uveitis clinical care at UNC Kittner Eye Center in Chapel Hill. These subspecialists additionally provide Vitreoretinal-Uveitis patient care at clinical locations across the region, including: 1) Fayetteville NC Veteran’s Administration (Ulrich & Willett); 2) Alamance Eye Center (Zhang); and 3) UNC Eye Holly Springs, UNC Park Ophthalmology (Raleigh), and UNC Specialty Care at Pittsboro (Brewington). All of the Department’s Vitreoretinal-Uveitis specialists perform procedural care at UNC Hospitals Hillsborough. Drs. Ulrich and Zhang are UNC Ophthalmology’s Vitreo-Retinal Surgery Specialists, Dr. Brewington is the Department’s Medical Retina Specialist, and Dr. Willett is our Retina, Vitreous, & Uveitis Specialist.