Arlene Sandoval honored by the University for 20 years of service.

Arlene Sandoval, Executive Assistant to the Chair in the Pharmacology Department, was inducted into the Carolina 20-Year Society along with 122 other inductees at a Service Appreciation Banquet held at the Carolina Inn on June 15, 2015. Chancellor Carol Folt and Vice Chancellor Felicia A. Washington attended and gave remarks of appreciation. 20-Year Society Inductees received a plaque in recognition of their dedication and service to the University.
Arlene joined Pharmacology in 2003 as Administrative Assistant to the Chair, Gary L. Johnson. Before joining Pharmacology, Arlene worked with UNC-TV as a Viewer Services Representative and with the School of Medicine’s Dean’s Office as a Search and Review Coordinator, working with Faculty Search Committees.
About the Carolina 20-Year Society

In 1977, the University created the Carolina 20-Year Society to recognize the service of SPA employees to the University and to the State of North Carolina. Since 1992, EPA non-faculty employees have also been included in this recognition.
Employees are honored by induction into the 20-Year Society and by invitation to the Annual Service Appreciation Banquet, at which each inductee is presented with a specially designed membership award. The appreciation ceremony acknowledges the reliance that the University places on non-faculty employees to support and further its mission in serving as a center for scholarship and creative endeavor for the State of North Carolina.
“To give real service, you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity.”
~Douglas Adams