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Mark Cronan Receives Ph.D. May 25, 2010

May 27, 2010
Mark Cronan, a member of the Johnson Lab and a graduate student in the Biochemistry and Biophysics department successfully defended his thesis and received his Ph.D. on May 25, 2010.

Pharmacology Student Publications 2009-2010

May 25, 2010
Brady DC, Alan JK, Madigan JP, Fanning AS, Cox AD.  The transforming Rho family GTPase Wrch-1 disrupts epithelial cell tight junctions and epithelial morphogenesis. Mol Cell Biol. 29:1035-1049, 2009. González-Pérez V, Reiner DJ, Alan JK, Mitchell C, Edwards LJ, Khazak V, Der CJ, and Cox AD.  Genetic and functional characterization...

May 2010 Graduates

May 18, 2010
Tiffany Ricks, Tanya Zand and Jamie Alan received their PhD’s May 8, 2010. Four graduate students received their PhD’s at Spring Commencement on Sunday, May 9, 2010.  They are Jamie Alan, Randal Hand, Tiffany Ricks and Tanya Zand. Graduates also attended a Hooding Ceremony on Saturday, May 8. Jamie Alan...

McCarthy Lab Paper Published in Science & Highlighted in Nature

March 11, 2010
Paper reexamining glial function published in Science and highlighted in Nature. Cendra Agulhon is first author.

Nicole Vincent Jordan Receives Thomas Collum Butler Award 2009

March 8, 2010
Nicole Vincent Jordan receives the Thomas Collum Butler Award 2009 from Dr. Lee Graves March 5, 2010. Nicole Vincent Jordan, a member of the Johnson Lab, received the Thomas Collum Butler Award March 5, 2010 at the postdoc/graduate student seminar held that day. Nicole received a check for $1000 and...

Carolina Summer Fellows 2009 Present Research Projects

October 27, 2009
Leanna Gentry and Lauren Burianek after their presentations Lauren Burianek, who was studying under Dr. Ken Harden, and Leanna Gentry, who was studying under Dr. Gary Johnson presented their summer research projects on July 29, 2009. The title of Lauren Burianek’s research project was “PLCg2 augments RhoG-promoted inositol lipid hydrolysis.”...

Adam Kimple wins Lineberger Fellowship

October 27, 2009
Adam Kimple was awarded a $5000 Lineberger Fellowship in July 2009 in support of his research to: Determine if RGS14 can assemble a complex of Ras, Raf, MEK, and ERK to modulate p-ERK signaling Identify small molecules that will target the specific domains within RGS12 and RGS14 as a novel...

Commencement Ceremonies Spring 2009

June 8, 2009
Graduation ceremonies were held May 9 and May 10. The Ph.D. hooding ceremony was held at 10 am in the Smith Center on Saturday, May 9, and the University commencement ceremony was held at 9:30 am on Sunday, May 10, in Kenan Stadium. Photo below:  Ingrid Fricks receives her doctoral...

Six Graduate Students Receive PhD’s in Spring 2009

June 8, 2009
Left to right: Ingrid Fricks, Lisa Stalheim Crose, Katie Kelm, Elizabeth Sweger and Nina DiPrimio.  Pharmacology graduated six PhD students this spring! Congratulations to the Graduates! They are: Ingrid Fricks (Harden Lab) Lisa Stalheim Crose (Johnson Lab) Katie Kelm (Breese Lab) Elizabeth Sweger (McCarthy Lab) Nina DiPrimio (Samulski Lab) Sabrice...

Eric Zimmerman Recieves Thomas Collum Butler Award 2008

June 8, 2009
  Eric Zimmerman, recipient of Thomas Collum Butler Award 2008 The winner of the Thomas Collum Butler Award 2008 is Eric Zimmerman, a member of the Graves Lab. The award was announced Jan. 27 at the department “Welcome to our New Building Party,” held in our new 4th floor atrium....