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Congratulations to Ryan Salcido, of Mauro Calabrese‘s Lab, for being awarded a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship! We also congratulate Corina Damian of Juan Song’s Lab and Rachel VanKeulen-Miller of Owen Fenton’s lab for receiving Honorable Mentions.

Ryan Salcido, graduate student in the Calabrese Lab.
Ryan Salcido – Calabrese Lab

Ryan Salcido was one of sixteen recipients to receive the prestigious National Science Foundation fellowship.  Corina Damian and Rachel VanKeulen-Miller received two of the fifteen Honorable Mentions. 

“The excellent work of these students highlights the depth of knowledge being generated through graduate education at UNC-Chapel Hill,” Mayer-Davis said. “It is this kind of impactful research that sets Carolina students apart as our next generation of leaders.” ~excerpt from the UNC announcement of the awards.

Congratulations to all!

Click here to learn more about the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship awards and to see the announcement.