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Congratulations to Peyton Bohnsack, who successfully defend his PhD March 23, 2017!

Dr. J. Peyton Bohnsack with his mentor, Dr. Leslie Morrow

Congratulations to Peyton Bohnsack, who gave his thesis talk titled “Epigenetic control of GABAA-R expression by ethanol” and successfully defend his PhD on March 23, 2017.! Peyton has been a graduate student in Leslie Morrow’s Lab.

His parents, Rebecca Day and John Bohnsack of Salt Lake City, Utah, came to support and celebrate with him.

Peyton won the Thomas Collum Butler Award in December, 2016, for his research, which focused on the underlying mechanisms that drive the development of alcohol use disorders.

He has been an author on several papers including a first authored paper in Neuropharmacology, “Differential regulation of synaptic and extrasynaptic α4 GABA(A) receptor populations by protein kinase A and protein kinase C in cultured cortical neurons.”

Peyton also served as a senator for the Department of Pharmacology in the GPSF.

We wish Peyton our best in all his future endeavors!

Click for larger view. Left: Peyton with his parents, Rebecca Day and John Bohnsack; Right: Peyton with Leslie Morrow, his mentor and Fulton Crews, his committee chair.

Peyton and his parents Peyton, Leslie Morrow and Fulton Crews