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Reid Olsen, recipient of the Tanner Teaching Assistants Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching

Reid Olsen, Pharmacology graduate student and member of Bryan Roth’s Lab, was honored by UNC with a prestigious 2016 Tanner Teaching Assistants Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching.

Reid received the award for outstanding contributions to undergraduate teaching on campus.

Reid’s students and faculty mentors were enthusiastic in praising his commitment to the highest standards of teaching and education in general. In the letter Reid received from Chancellor Carol Folt announcing his award, it was stated that the University Committee on Teaching Awards was “greatly impressed by the abundant evidence they found” for his “outstanding contributions to undergraduate teaching on campus” and that he “clearly had an exceptionally positive impact on the intellectual growth” of his students.

Reid will be honored, along with the other recipients of the award, on February 14, during the half-time ceremony at the UNC-Pittsburgh men’s basketball game in the Dean E. Smith Center. Recipients will also be honored at an awards banquet at the Rizzo Center April 5, 2016. The award comes with a certificate and a check for $5000.

Our congratulations to Reid upon receiving this prestigious award!