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Dr. Terry Kenakin to Receive the 2014 Gaddum Memorial Award from the British Pharmacological Society.

Dr. Terry Kenakin, Professor of Pharmacology and
2014 Gaddum Memorial Award Recipient

Dr. Terry Kenakin, Ph.D., Professor in the Pharmacology Department has been awarded the 2014 Gaddum Memorial Award by the British Pharmacological Society. The award will be presented at the Society’s annual dinner and prize giving on December 17, 2014. The award comes with a medal, a prize of £1000, and an invitation to give a Gaddum Prize lecture at Pharmacology 2014, which will be held in London from December 16-18, 2014. Our congratulations to Terry on winning this prestigious award!

About the Society
The British Pharmacological Society is the primary UK learned society concerned with research into drugs and the way they work. Our members work in academia, industry, regulatory agencies and the health services, and many are medically qualified. The Society covers the whole spectrum of pharmacology, including laboratory, clinical, and toxicological aspects. (from the BPS website, to learn more about the society, visit their website at