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eRA Information: Focused Notifications, Delegation Now Available in HSS

Thursday, September 13, 2018

As a result of a software release for the Human Subjects System (HSS) and ASSIST on Wednesday, September 12, the following features and updates have been added.

Human Subject System (HSS)

Focused Notifications

Responding to feedback from the user community, focused notifications will be sent when a user changes the status of updates to human subjects, or clinical trial information to ‘ready to submit’ in HSS:

  • Only the Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR) listed on the original submission of the competitive application (type 1 and 2) or change of institution (type 7) will receive these email notifications.
  • For HSS changes made on non-competitive years (type 5), the SO associated with the Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) will be notified.
  • If we are unable to identify an email address using either of these choices, notifications will be sent to the institutional contact listed in the Institutional Profile in eRA Commons.

HSS Delegation

Originally, only a Signing Official (SO) could submit HSS records to NIH. With this release of HSS, both the Progress Report delegation and the Submit delegation will be extended to HSS records.

  • Progress Report Delegation
    • Permits the contact Principal Investigator (PI) to delegate to a user with either the ASST (Assistant) or AO (Administrative Officer) role to work on a Progress Report, including HSS records.
    • The SO, Account Administrator (AA), or AO can assign the Progress Report delegation to another PI named on the award, permitting them to work on a Progress Report, including HSS records.
  • Submit Delegation
    • The Submit delegation can be assigned to the contact PI by the SO, permitting the PI to submit all progress reports for Streamlined Non-competing Award Process (SNAP) awards. The PI is then listed as the Signing Official for that report. This functionality now includes the submission of HSS records.


Applicants can now view budget forms in ASSIST when an application is in a ‘Ready for Submission’ status.