FacPhysBenPlan Flag – Clinical Pay Flag
The FacPhysBenPlan Flags within Infoporte show if a faculty member is enrolled in the UNC Faculty Physicians (FP) Practice Plan.
If the flag is set to “Y”, then they are enrolled in the UNC Faculty Physicians (FP) Practice Plan and should be budgeted by using the fringe and health insurance rates associated with that plan.
If the flag is set to “N”, then they are NOT enrolled in the UNC Faculty Physicians (FP) Practice Plan and can be budgeted using the standard fringe rates for the applicable employee class. This should help you with your Pre-Award budgeting and ensuring all salary and benefits data is accurate prior to grant submission! Infoport is considered to be the “Source” document for employee information as it relates to grant applications.
When using the Sponsored Programs Office, NIH Focused Budget Template workbook file, select “FP Member”.
Somewhat related, but possibly misleading information involves the Clinical Pay flag.
For those folks that process lump sum payments based on Departmental Incentive Plans, the Clinical Pay flag is now active to ensure that faculty members are accurately coded to ensure they can receive clinical pay based on the departmental incentive Only those faculty coded with a Y for Clinical Pay are eligible to receive Incentive payments via lump sum. The Clinical Pay field does NOT indicate if the individual is enrolled in the UNC Faculty Physicians (FP) Practice Plan.
Both fields are available via the HR/Employee tab on an Employee by Employee basis or via the Data Export Fields tab in the far left of the screen.