Collaborative Team Led by Drs. Jason Franz and Brian Pietrosimone Secures $3M NIH Grant to Study Cartilage Degeneration and Knee OA
An interdisciplinary team of Thurston Arthritis Research Center members spanning biomedical engineering, exercise and sports science, biostatistics has received a new 5-year, $3M R01 Grant from the National Institutes of Health titled “Discovering the Mechanisms Linking Gait to Osteoarthritis Onset and Progression.”
Dr. Saira Sheikh Leads Multidisciplinary Team to Successfully Treat Patients with Severe, Refractory Lupus Using CD 19 CAR T-cell Therapy
The divisions of Rheumatology, Allergy & Immunology, Hematology and Nephrology & Hypertension are working together to bring new and innovative cell-based therapies to patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).
Phanstiel, Loeser, and Diekman Labs Publish Collaborative Study Unveiling 13 Risk Genes for OA
A new study from the labs of Douglas Phanstiel, PhD, Richard F. Loeser, Jr., MD, and Brian Diekman, PhD recently identified 13 risk genes that can increase chances for developing osteoarthritis (OA).
Liubov Arbeeva Receives Subaward as UNC PI on New Grant to NCSU
Liubov Arbeeva, MS, biostatistician, Thurston Arthritis Research Center (TARC), recently received a subaward as a UNC PI for a grant awarded to Margaret Gruen, PhD at NC State University College of Veterinary Medicine.