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July 16, 2020

R01 awarded to Dr. Maria Aleman (PI), Dr. Raj Kasthuri and Dr. Daniel Dominguez (Co-Is) Title: Iron-sensitive RNA regulation during erythropoiesis

Congratulations- R01 awarded to Dr. Maria Aleman (PI), R01 was awarded on a $2 million (direct costs only) 5-year R01 grant; funding period (2020-2025).   Scientific team includes outstanding scientists and collaborators, Co-Investigators Dr. Raj Kasthuri and Dr. Daniel Dominguez (not pictured). Institute: NIH/NIDDK (1R01DK124773-01) Title: Iron-sensitive RNA regulation during erythropoiesis PI: Maria Aleman PhD (Pharmacology); …

June 29, 2020

Dr. Stephan Moll, Blood Journal of ASH published: “How I Treat: Unexplained Arterial Thromboembolism”

Dr. Stephan Moll, UNC Hematology and member of the UNC Blood Research Center published a clinical educational article last week entitled “How I Treat: Unexplained Arterial Thromboembolism”, following an invitation by the Blood Journal of the American Society of Hematology.  The article nicely bridges hematology, vascular medicine, neurology, cardiology and general medicine, discussing the existing …

June 22, 2020

UNC Blood Research Center member Dougald Monroe is a coauthor along with Maureane Hoffman on a commentary published in Blood.

UNC Blood Research Center member Dougald Monroe is a coauthor along with Maureane Hoffman on a commentary published in Blood. The commentary, EPCR knockout: inflaming the discussion, provides context for the Blood article from the group of Vijay Rao on how reduced EPCR function protects against joint bleeding-induced pathology in hemophilia mice. The commentary discusses …