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Lab Technician Emily Robinson Attends CryoEM Workshop

June 21, 2023
The Cryo-EM Core’s research technician Emily Robinson was recently accepted to and attended the “I Have My Dataset – Now What?” cryo-EM data processing workshop hosted by the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. Workshop participants were led through hands-on tutorials in data and image processing softwares RELION, CryoDRGN, CryoSPARC,...

Scientists Take Another Step Toward Creating Better Pain Medications

April 13, 2023
CHAPEL HILL, NC – In the continuing effort to improve upon opioid pain relievers, American and Chinese scientists used cryoEM technology to solve the detailed structures of the entire family of opioid receptors bound to their naturally occurring peptides. Subsequent structure-guided biochemical studies were then performed to better understand the...

Scientists Elucidate How DREADD Technology Highjacks Neuronal Activity

November 30, 2022
The UNC School of Medicine lab of Bryan L. Roth, MD, PhD, solved the high-resolution, complex structures of drug-like compounds bound to designer brain cell receptors, paving the way for the creation of next-generation chemogenetic tools. Postdoc Shicheng Zhang, PhD, led this research published in Nature. Read More

Scientists unravel new details for entry into cells

April 1, 2022
Researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center have uncovered a new checkpoint that cells use to control what molecules they internalize. Understanding the determinants for entry into cells could lead to the design of better therapeutics that must enter through...

UNC’s Cryo-EM Core facility develops new methodology for high-speed, high-resolution cryogenic electron microscopy technology

February 8, 2022
Dr. Jonathan Fay, in collaboration with Jared Peck and Dr. Joshua Strauss of the UNC CH CryoEM Core, published a method paper in IUCrJ (International Union of Crystallography Journal) outlining their success in optimizing the function of a microscope for cryogenic electron microscopy (CryoEM). CryoEM is an imaging technique that yields 3D...

Researchers Reveal Structure of Itch Receptors on Cells

November 17, 2021
Ever wonder what’s going on when you get itchy skin, whether from a rash or medication or some other bodily reaction? And why do some strong anti-itching medications make us nauseous, dry-mouthed zombies? Scientists at the UNC School of Medicine and the University of California at San Francisco conducted research...

Graduate Student Cathy Spangler in McGinty lab uses cryo-EM to determine structure of cGAS

October 6, 2020
Biochemistry and biophysics PhD student, Cathy Spangler, researches in Robert McGinty’s lab and recently published a paper in collaboration with Joshua Boyer, Joshua Strauss, Andrew Cesmat, Pengda Liu, Robert McGinty, and Qi Zhang, titled Structural basis of nucleosome-dependent cGAS inhibition. This article addresses the use of cryo-electron microscopy to determine the high-resolution structure of...

Duke, UNC and NIEHS host first ever Triangle Area Cryo-Symposium

December 19, 2019
For two days (December 16-17, 2019) Structural Biologists, from across the Piedmont, attended the first ever 2019 Triangle Area Cryo-EM Symposium in Durham, NC. The event, funded in part by an Interdisciplinary Colloquium Grant from the Duke School of Medicine, allowed researchers from Duke University, North Carolina University at Chapel...

You’re Invited: CryoEM Facility Open House

November 7, 2019
The School of Medicine is hosting an open house for the UNC CryoEM core facility on Friday, November 8th from 3pm-5pm in Glaxo Room 008.

Researcher Kathryn Gunn relies on Research Computing

August 8, 2019
Kathryn Gunn is a post-doctoral researcher in the Neher Lab of the Biochemistry and Biophysics Department within the UNC-Chapel Hill School of Medicine. She is a new client of ITS Research Computing. Read more!