NC Maintenance of Certification (NC MOC)
North Carolina Maintenance of Certification Program for Quality Improvement (ABMS Part IV, AAPA PI-CME)
The North Carolina Maintenance of Certification (NC MOC) Program is an approved sponsor of the American Board of Medical Specialties’ (ABMS) Multi-specialty Portfolio Program (MSPP) focused on developing, monitoring and approving quality improvement efforts for ABMS MOC Part IV credit. Most ABMS Member Boards recognize this participation as an option to meet Part IV requirements.
Application for Project Submission Attestation for Approved NC MOC ProjectsThe NC MOC program helps affiliated physicians and physician assistants understand and meet requirements of their specialty boards to improve care for patients and maintain certification in their specialties. The NC MOC program is administered through the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Institute for Healthcare Quality Improvement (IHQI).
UNC-affiliated physicians can earn Maintenance of Certification credit by participating in improvement initiatives previously approved by the NC MOC program. The North Carolina MOC program has also been approved by the American Academy of Physician Assistants (AAPA) in a pilot program to award performance improvement credit (AAPA PI-CME) to Physician Assistants who participate in approved efforts to improve care for patients. The National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants (NCCPA) awards Physician Assistants PI-CME credit for their participation in QI initiatives.
The NC MOC program is also interested in exploring how to offer MOC credit to physicians outside of the UNC Healthcare System who are interested in collaborating on meaningful Quality Improvement opportunities.
The ABMS Multi-Specialty Portfolio Program plays a vital role in making sure physicians and PAs critically evaluate their current practices, acquire new skills, and adapt their practices to changing patient and community health needs.