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YearFocusProject Lead(s)
2024-2025Creating a Debriefing Culture in the Pediatric Emergency DepartmentShiva Zargham, MD, MSc
2024-2025Decreasing Inappropriate Initiation of Parenteral NutritionSara Bliss, PharmD
Emily Coscia, MS, RD
Anne Peery, MD
2024-2025Implementing Standardized Care Pathway for Pediatric Patients Meeting Acute Stroke CriteriaAfsaneh Pirzadeh, MD
Sarah Fleisher, MD
2024-2025Outpatient Care of Patients with Dementia through Targeted Caregiver SupportAmy Abramowitz, MD
Jennifer Muise, MSW
2024-2025Prevention and Management of Behavioral Symptoms in Patients with Cognitive ImpairmentKittra Felton, RN
Beckie Fenner, BSN, RN
Christie Martin, MD
Kim Mouringhan, MD
2024-2025Improving Care for Pediatric Patients with Difficult IV AccessKatie Butler, MD
Ria Dancel, MD
Erin Finn, MD
2023-2024Bivalirudin in Pediatric Extracorporeal Life Support (ECLS) PatientsUrsula Adams, MD, MBA
Lauren Brown, DO
2023-2024Early Peanut Introduction in Infants to Prevent Peanut AllergyLauren Herlihy DNP, CPNP, RN
2023-2024Identification and Management with Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome (AWS)Ashmita Chatterjee, MD
Amy Dacillo-Curso, DNP, ACNP
2023-2024Pathways of Care Following ED Discharge for Renal ColicDave Friedlander, MD, MPH
2023-2024Standardization of Induction Protocols for Term PregnancyLiz Coviello, DO
Jeff Reinhardt, MD
2023-2024Transition of Care from ED to Oncology Specialty CareTammy Triglianos, DNP, ANP-BC, AOCNP
Ben Linthicum, DNP, FNP-C, ACNPC-AG, CEN
2022-2023Improving Evaluation and Management of Anemia in PregnancyKate Zahn, MD
Erin Huprich, MSN, WHNP
2022-2023Achieving High-value Care of Young Febrile InfantsAlex Ahearn, MD, MPH
Wade Harrison, MD, MPH
2022-2023Improving Care of Hospitalized Patients with Hearing ImpairmentChristina Kahl, MD, PhD
2022-2023Optimizing and Implementing Clinical Patient-Reported OutcomesAngela Smith, MD, MS
Ganesh Kamath, MD, MBA
2022-2023Taking the right steps to Reduce Restrictive InterventionsRebecca Bottom, MD
Michael Kane, MD
Jamie Knowles, MD, JD
2021-2022Improving Telemedicine for Patients with Chronic IllnessSara Abu-Nasser, DO
Elisabeth Dellon, MD MPH
2021-2022Improving Suicide Risk and Assessment of Patients in the Burn UnitKate Dickson, MD, MPH
Donald Rosenstein, MD
2021-2022Mitigating Inpatient Clinical Deterioration through Timely Recognition and ManagementJaydeep Lamba, MD
Hillary Spangler, MD
2021-2022Improving Care for Geriatric Patients Presenting with Hip FractureMonika Nanda, MBBS, MPH
Katie Davenport, MD
2021-2022Individualization and Implementation of Checklists for Perinatal EmergenciesJohanna Quist-Nelson, MD
2021-2022Expanding Access to Treatment for Opioid Disorder in Primary CareClaire West, MD
2020-2021Reducing Use of Broad Spectrum Antibiotics with Outpatient Penicillin Allergy AssessmentsRenae Boerneke, PharmD, BCPS, CPP
Mildred Kwan, MD PhD
2020-2021 Durr, MSN, RN, FNP-BC Subhashini Sellers, MD MSCR
2020-2021Improving Radiologic Communication with Epic-Based Tracking Tool Benjamin Mervak, MD, CIIP
2020-2021iCare: Improving Care for Addiction Related EndocarditisClare Mock, MD CPPS
Asher Schranz, MD, MPH Elizabeth (Babette) Stern, MD
2020-2021Building High-Performance Team Dynamics for Rapid ResponseLauren Raff, MD FACS
Evan Raff, MD
2020-2021Preventing and Managing Delirium in Critically ill ChildrenStephanie Schwartz, MD
Tracie Walker, MD
2019-2020Advance Care Planning in Outpatient Primary CareKatherine Aragon, MD
Karen Halpert, MD
2019-2020Improving Obesity Treatment in Primary CareSarah Ro, MD
Shannon Aymes, MD
2019-2020Communicating Prognosis to Seriously Ill Patients and Families in the SICUJo Grudziak, MD MPH
Trista Reid, MD MPH
2019-2020Reducing Length of Stay for Pediatric Patients with Gastrostomy TubesMike Phillips, MD
2019-2020SAFER: Same day Acute care For patients with cancERHanna Sanoff, MD MPH
2019-2020-Syncope Care Improvement at UNCMichael Craig, MD MPH
2018-2019Early Sepsis Recognition and Intervention in Critical Care TransportDameion Rutherford, RN CFRN NREMT-P
Francis Castiller, MD
2018-2019Kidney Injury from Nephrotoxic MedicationWill Stoudemire, MD
2018-2019Opioid Stewardship in ObstetricsChristine McKenzie, MD
2018-2019Gastrointestinal Surgery Readmission ReductionNicole Chaumont, MD
Stephanie Lumpkin, MD
2018-2019Geriatric Bone HealthMeredith Gilliam, MD
2018-2019Antibiotic Time-OutsZach Willis, MD
2018-2019Acknowledging Food Insecurity in Hospitalized PatientsAmir Barzin, DO MS
Jennifer Wills-Gallagher, MPPA RDN LDN
2017-2018COPD Management and Diagnostic SpirometryAmy Shaheen, MD MSc
Shane Hemphill, MD
2017-2018Post-Operative Venous Thromboembolism ReductionJamison Chang, MD MS
Carlton Moore, MD MS
2017-2018LGBTQI Patient CareEmily Vander Schaaf, MD MPH
Tyler McKinnish, MD
2017-2018Reducing Readmissions for Geriatrics PatientsMaureen Dale, MD
2017-2018Standardizing Pediatric Discharge from NC Children’s HospitalKatie Westreich, MD
2016-2017Metabolic Monitoring in Outpatient PsychiatryTakahiro Soda, MD PhD
Jennifer Richards MD, MBA
2016-2017Falls Risk Management for Patients in Primary CareVicki Mercer, PT PhD
2016-2017Unhealthy Alcohol Use Screening and InterventionsDan Jonas, MD MPH
2016-2017Quiet Time: Reducing Noise to Improve Patient CareChristine Hedges, PhD RN
2016-2017Cystic Fibrosis Transitions: From Pediatric to Adult CareJennifer Goralski MD
2016-2017Tar Heel Trauma Care: The Golden Hour and BeyondDaryhl Johnson MD FACS
Al Bonifacio RN, BSN, MHA
Elizabeth Schroeder BS, BSN, RN
2015-2016Perioperative Blood ManagementGreg Balfanz, MD
2015-2016Peripartum Hemorrhage ReductionTom Ivester, MD MPH
2015-2016Central Line Insertion CourseJoanna Grudziak, MD
2015-2016Daily Goals in the Intensive Care UnitCasey Olm-Shipman, MD
2015-2016Lung Cancer ScreeningDan Reuland, MD
2015-2016Depression Treatment in Primary CareSarah Smithson, MD MPH
2015-2016Carolina Conexiones: Improving Satisfaction and Flow through Volunteer Bilingual Patient NavigatorsKori Flower, MD MS MPH
2015-2016Palliative and Oncology Care for Patients with Advanced CancerLaura Hanson, MD MPH
2014-2015Improving Discharge at North Carolina Children’s HospitalKathleen Bradford, MD
2014-2015Enhanced Recovery after Major Gastrointestinal SurgeryLavinia Kolarczyk, MD
H.J. Kim, MD
Rob Isaak, DO
2014-2015Lung Protective VentilationTom Bice, MD MSc
2014-2015Preventive Services Outreach in Primary CareShana Ratner, MD
2014-2015Survivorship Care PlansDeborah Mayer, PhD RN
2014-2015Unplanned Hospital Admissions for Cancer PatientsBhisham Chera, MD