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Participation Requirements

1. Attend four meetings with the lead CQI reviewer where baseline CQI scores and subsequent scores are reviewed and discussed. During these meetings, clinicians will be provided an intervention to address the specific concerns.
2. Review data over time of project. Clinicians will be provided their individual CQI scores over the time of the project. Baseline scores will be provided and the clinician will be oriented to the guidebook. Subsequent PDSA cycles will include the average CQI scores for reports as well as specific interventions, based on the concerns identified. The time expected between PDSA cycles is at least one month as clinicians will have 5 new reports reviewed.
3. Provide feedback on interventions. Clinicians will provide feedback to their CQI lead upon completion of the project.
4. Participate for at least 4 months.


☐ I reflected upon the following areas:
1. Change. What change did you personally make in your practice?
2. Impact. How did this change impact patient care in your practice?
3. Learning. What did you learn as part of participating in this QI effort?
4. Sustainability. Explain how you plan to sustain the changes you made to your practice because of this QI effort.