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Director: Wanda K O’Neal, PhD, Associate Professor


Molecular biology has become an indispensable component of modern biological research programs. The Molecular Biology Core was established to provide expertise, equipment, training, and reagents to serve the molecular biology needs for the Marsico Lung Institute/UNC Cystic Fibrosis Center. The Core houses all the necessary equipment and expertise to conduct the following services:


  • The Core serves as a centralized resource for cloning and sequencing of genes.
  • Isolation, storage, and analysis of high quality RNA, including RNA sequencing.
  • Single-cell library preparation with 10X Chromium technology.
  • RNA in situ hybridization.
  • Generation of transgenic mouse models.
  • Development of methods for si/shRNA knockdown in airway cell models.
  • Use of CRISR/cas9 mediated gene editing for airway models.
  • Immunohistochemistry and western blotting.
  • Training in molecular biology techniques.

Contact Information

125 Mason Farm Road
Campus Box #7248
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC 27599
(919) 962 9866
Fax: (919) 966-5178

Rodney Gilmore, Research Specialist:
Lisa Morton, Research Specialist: